

Monday, May 17, 2010

Day 16: Slogging it to Carmooweel (sp?)

Up early and away in the morning - well as best we could because the petrol station didn't open until 9am. Once we had gas we headed off towards Gregory Downs. I had thought this was 119 of seal but oh no! 119 kms of sand and gravel. From Gregory Downs it was another 185kms of gravel to the turn off to Mt Isa which took us on a sealed road to Camooweel. I struggled a lot with this gravel as the tyres on Helga are not really very good in sand. She tends to dig in and swerve making me more than a little anxious. And the sand comes in patches just when you don't expect it. Dick has chunkier tread on Olga (and longer legs) and was much more comfortable. We arrived in C at about 4.30 and gassed up (ouch - $1.79 per litre) and found a room at the pub. We were ready for a few beers by now and had a good meal and in bed early again.

The aussies have an interesting concept of distance. I saw a sign today which said "Stop. Revive. Survive. Rest area 67 kms. On left."

Off on the Berkly Highway tomorrow for Day 17. Happy birthday for tomorrow Shirl. Anyone reading this should send Shirley a happy birthday message!!! :-)


  1. Can we have a new pic of Helga her pristine self seems incongruous after reading the story.

  2. Yeah, also with a Ken showing shiny, glowing, donga'd nude nut. JohnM

  3. OK - I'll try to insert a photo.
